wonderful plate was designed by
Rockwell Kent for
Vernon Kilns California Pottery.
About Vernon Kilns.
Kilns made collectors plates for hundreds of cities and
states in the
United States, some organizations and institutions, and some
for foreign cities and countries. Vernon Kilns closed its doors
permanently in the early 1950s.
According to
Bill Stern (2001), Vernon Kilns was one
of the
well known "Big Five"
of the Southern California Pottery group (p. 42, California
Pottery: From Missions to Modernism). Please see Maxine Feek Nelson's Collectible Vernon Kilns: Identification and Value Guide for more information about Vernon Kilns California Pottery.
plate is part of
Kent's Moby Dick series.
Rockwell Kent gained
fame illustrating
Melville's book, Moby Dick,
and other books.
plate is off white on the Ultra shape; the design
is dark blue.
Pictured is an ocean scene with a fully
rigged three-masted whaler.

In addition, several individuals are
valiantly trying to navigate very rough waters in a row boat.

design on the plate is very nicely detailed!
The back of the plate is marked under glaze with a pre-production code green "5-7".

The plate is in excellent condition with no nicks, chips, cracks,
scratches. It has been well cared for.
This is a
very nice piece of always special Vernon Kilns Rockwell Kent pottery!